Piedmont Agency operates five group dining sites (aka senior centers) located in Greenwood, Ninety-Six, Clinton, Abbeville, and Saluda. Each location is managed by a site manager who plans activities, guest speakers, and special events throughout the month. Diners are able to participate in the events, as well as enjoy fellowship over a hot meal, which is served family style at each site. Meals include meat, two vegetables, bread, dessert and beverage which meets 1/3 RDA requirements. Each site is open Monday through Friday to individuals 60 or older and reservations are required. For more information on our Congregate Nutrition Sites or to find the one nearest you, call:

(864) 223-0164

(864) 366-9666

The Depot in Ninety-Six
(864) 543-4999

Todd Memorial Presbyterian Church in Laurens
(864) 938-0572

(803) 480-6408